Saturday, December 12, 2020

1st Semester

As the semester comes to a close I'm wrapping up my work. I've finished all my work except for my IS 101 class. After some troubleshooting, all PowerPoint projects are 100% complete including the PowerPoint departmental test. I face the MOS PowerPoint test tomorrow, well technically today, and hope to pass it. Upon the completion of that I'll also earn the MOS Associate. Good luck to my classmates taking MOS PowerPoint. I wish you all the best in your lives as well as your academic pursuits. One last note, thank you Professor Wu for all the help you've given us.

Friday, December 4, 2020


This year did not start off great for me. There was family issues, I missed out on my senior year events, and the whole quarantine/pandemic situation that's still going on.  But that's not the point of this post. I feel like this year is starting to to look up. This past Wednesday was my 100th day at CSN. There was a video conference with some of the faculty congratulating and encouraging all of us. I'm finished with my ENG class and am in the final stages in my other ones. Sometime soon my parents are going to own their first house. Honestly, they deserve it considering they've been dealing with my brothers and I for so long LOL. You might be wondering what's up with the picture by now. My dad has always wanted a Pit Bull. He found out one of his old friends from school was selling a dog. The dad is an English Bulldog and the mom is a Pit. Since it was just born we're waiting to pick it up in a couple of months. We're also thinking about naming him something else besides Tanker. Hope you guys finish off this year strong and happy.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020



The irony of me writing this is I procrastinated making this post. Procrastination has been one of my main issues. According to an article written by TIME, there are 4 causes of procrastination: expectancy, value, time, and impulsivity. Alexander Rozental, a phycologist, said, “People procrastinate because of a lack of value [associated with the task]; because they expect that they’re not going to achieve the value they’re trying to achieve; because the value is too far from you in terms of time; or because you’re very impulsive as a person.”

Here are some tips...

  1. Most people have a point in the day where they're the most productive. Try to working on your task around that time.
  2. If you have a large project and start to feel overwhelmed, break it down into small pieces.
  3. Go to a place where there are less distractions
  4. Focus on one thing instead of multi-tasking
  5. If you've been working hard all day, it's ok to take a break