Saturday, December 12, 2020

1st Semester

As the semester comes to a close I'm wrapping up my work. I've finished all my work except for my IS 101 class. After some troubleshooting, all PowerPoint projects are 100% complete including the PowerPoint departmental test. I face the MOS PowerPoint test tomorrow, well technically today, and hope to pass it. Upon the completion of that I'll also earn the MOS Associate. Good luck to my classmates taking MOS PowerPoint. I wish you all the best in your lives as well as your academic pursuits. One last note, thank you Professor Wu for all the help you've given us.


  1. Most welcome Anthony :-) What a wonderful start to your college experience! Good luck on your MOS PowerPoint today and there is more opportunity beyond MOS PowerPoint and Associate. I will elaborate in class today ^_^

  2. This has been a long and assignment-heavy semester, but we have made it to the finish line. Congrats on finishing strong, and I wish you all the best in your future academia journey!

  3. Congratulations on passing the PowerPoint exam! It has been an interesting year, but I am glad it is nearly over and that many of us will be finishing IS-101 strong. This class has been a great going back to school experience for me, and I hope it was a good starting point for you. I wish you the best in all that you do!

  4. Congrats on passing MOS PowerPoint, again all the hard work that you put in during this course motivated me. Thank you for leading the pack and setting a good example for the rest of us.

  5. Congrats on completing your first semester in college. It's been an interesting semester and you came out like a shining star. I think you are going to do well in college and wish you nothing but the best.

  6. I know that you'll pass your MOS PowerPoint certification exam, but good luck anyways. It's always nice to see what we have accomplished this semester and see all of our hard work pay off.

  7. Congratulations on passing MOS PowerPoint and thank you for the wishes. I wish you all luck and success in life as well.

  8. Great job on finishing all your work and getting to enjoy your holiday vaction! Can't wait to be able to say that myself!
