Tuesday, December 1, 2020



The irony of me writing this is I procrastinated making this post. Procrastination has been one of my main issues. According to an article written by TIME, there are 4 causes of procrastination: expectancy, value, time, and impulsivity. Alexander Rozental, a phycologist, said, “People procrastinate because of a lack of value [associated with the task]; because they expect that they’re not going to achieve the value they’re trying to achieve; because the value is too far from you in terms of time; or because you’re very impulsive as a person.”

Here are some tips...

  1. Most people have a point in the day where they're the most productive. Try to working on your task around that time.
  2. If you have a large project and start to feel overwhelmed, break it down into small pieces.
  3. Go to a place where there are less distractions
  4. Focus on one thing instead of multi-tasking
  5. If you've been working hard all day, it's ok to take a break


  1. Having a multitude of things going on in my life and to complete, I feel that tips #2, #4, and #5 are ones that I will work towards adopting more often to make me more efficient in completing my tasks while also keeping me, hopefully, a little less tense.

  2. I used to be a procrastinator as well. In some instances, I might still be one but time and experience tell me that there is no value of deferring the undesirable or unavoidable so might as well get it out of the way :-) You shared some good tips ^_^

  3. Thank you for the helpful tips. It's a hard habit to break; I know sometimes I struggle with that myself. What really becomes difficult is, when you have less time in the day for homework due to basic responsibilities. What helps me stay on track is planning. I plan out the month full of tasks that need to be completed; at the end of each week, I reward myself if I completed all of the necessary tasks.

  4. #3 and 4 are big contributors for my procrastination. It is hard to find peace and quiet with a one year old always wanting your attention.

  5. I struggle with this a lot. I'm a big time procrastinator. At least I'm able to admit that but I can't do that anymore. This tips will definitely come in handy for me so I don't fall back into bad habits.

  6. Yes, this procrastination bug bites me from time to time also. The tips you have provided seem helpful and I will give them a shot. Thank you for the link to the TIME article.

  7. I am a last minute person, I will always tell myself I will come back to that later and end up running out of time and stressing myself out.

  8. Procrastination is definitely my biggest weakness. I always end up underestimating the time it will take me to finish tasks.
