Monday, October 26, 2020

Week 9

 “Procrastination is my sin. It brings me naught but sorrow. I know that I should stop it. In fact, I will--tomorrow”

― Gloria Pitzer

This was a rough week for me personally. I've been kind of sluggish lately. Luckily I was able to catch a break this weekend. My family, some friends, and I took my little brother to an indoor playground. Later we watched the rest of the world series game between the LA Dodgers and Tampa Bay Rays. So far the Dodgers are in the lead with today's win. I'm planning on getting back into the swing of things next week. I hope everyone is having a wonderful day and don't forget to take a day off once in a while.


  1. Love the quote!

    Very glad you caught a break this past weekend with an outing with your family and friends :-) You definitely earned it with your work on the homepage and slideshow this past week. Recharge and come back even stronger ^_^

  2. Anthony you are a very hard worker so I think this is a very well deserved break. We all need to slow down sometimes.

  3. Great quote that I will have to share with my daughter who loves to procrastinate a lot. Happy to hear you had some time to kick back and relax as we enter the second half of our semester.

  4. Work-life balance is so important! I leave you with this wonderful quote by Gary Keller: "Work is a rubber ball. If you drop it, it will bounce back. The other four balls - Family, Health, Friends, Integrity - are made of Glass. If you drop one of these, it will be irrevocably scuffed, nicked, perhaps even shattered."

  5. I also like the quote, it applies to everyone and is straight to the point. Receiving proper rest should be a priority for all of us.

  6. Self care time is always essential, without it you won't be as effective or cognoscente of what your doing. Happy to hear you got a day of rest within your work week.

  7. I to am a procrastinator, my husband always ask if I finished something, maybe later.

  8. I too raise a hand as fellow procrastinator. I don't know why we are like this. LOL
