Saturday, October 17, 2020

The Brain


I was watching a show that introduced brain trauma into the story line. The character suffers an injury and pretty much forgets who he is. This led me to start thinking about the brain. The brain is an extremely complex and fragile organ. There are billions and billions of nerve cells and nerve fibers with trillions of connections. The slightest injury can change a person's thinking. Injuries can  even change the emotions and memory of a person. I remember learning about a man named Phineas Gage in high school. A metal rod had gone through his head. After recovery, there were reports of his personality changing completely like becoming impulsive and using extensive amounts of profanity. Later observations say he reverted to his normal behaviors.


  1. I remember the case of Phineas Gage ( Yes, the brain is incredibly complex and resilient!

  2. Great anatomy lesson on the brain. I always found the brain to be an interesting organ. When I have some down time, I think I'll do some research on stress triggers, how stress affects the brain, and how to stress manage.

  3. The brain and how it functions is such an intriguing subject. Mayim Bialik did a fun two-part lesson on the brain during the summer. It was geared for children, but it was still interesting to watch.

  4. We are our brain, lose a leg, lose a arm you will survive. Lose a brain? Nice blog post it had me thinking on previous research I have done on the brain.

  5. It's crazy to realize how fragile we really are. The brain itself is very interesting but so delicate.

  6. The brain is very complex. I have heard of people who will suffer brain injuries and then they are able to speak a foreign language they didn't know before the injury. I'll have to do some more research on Phineas Gage such an interesting story.

  7. Our brain is so important, if you injure your brain you could loose your senses. Thank you for the information about Phineas Gage I did Google it, it was very interesting.

  8. Knowing how complex and fragile our brains are now its crazy to think that lobotomies were once such a common practice.
